Dustie Gimblet, Mental Performance Coach

Mental Performance Coaching for Young Athletes

Mental Performance Coach for Young Athletes

Dustie Gimblet is a Certified Mental Game Coaching Professional (MGCP), Certified Life Coach with The Life Coach School, Advanced Deep Dive Certified Coach, Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant in NC, and Appalachian State University (BSBA) graduate.

Dustie has coached, mentored, and instructed over 5000 sessions through contract work with athletes and individuals.  She continues to advance her training through IFS, Inter-community, and trauma-informed coaching.

Sports Psychology Certification

She specializes as a mental performance coach for Peak Performance Sports, LLC working with young competitive athletes for Peak Performance Sports, LLC. She is also a Mental Game Coaching Professional (MGCP) certified by Peak Performance Sports, LLC

She does mental performance coaching with athletes in various sports and ages. She has past experience working in pediatrics and especially enjoys working with children and parents on mental toughness for young athletes.

Call 888-742-7225 to book a free 15-min session with Coach Dustie. Or contact us today.

What Clients Say

“After 6 sessions with Dustie, my son not only decreased his fear of getting hit by the baseball, which caused him to freeze up and not swing the bat and wanting to quit the sport, to winning the championship where he actually got hit by the ball, let go of the fear of that hit by the next day, and wants to continue to play. Amazing!”

~Cami L., Sports Parent

“After our first session with Coach Dustie, my child demonstrated a noticeable improvement in his fear.  It was like watching a new kid on the court. Incredible!”

~Adam R. Sports Parent

“After a bad shot on hole 5, Alex’s recovery and mental state were amazing. I was so proud of him. He followed it up with a birdie and three pars. In the two previous tournaments, he shot 44. Today, he shot 39, and he got second place. I have noticed a huge change in his reaction to bad shots and his recovery since we started working with you. Thank you, Dustie!”

~Alyssa Banks

“After our first mental game session, I noticed a change in my son’s attitude the next time he played. Normally, he would get disappointed, which would show in his facial expressions. During this game, he let the disappointment go, and his facial expression stayed neutral and focused on continuing to play the game.” 

~Justin, Soccer Parent. 

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