Thanks for Your Purchase! We Appreciate Your Business
This is a confirmation we received your order from Peak Performance Sports. You’ll also receive two emails from us shortly–one receipt and one with directions. However, sometimes email can be delayed–so be patient.
If you ordered a CD or Workbook program, your order is shipped via USPS or UPS. If within the US, you’ll receive your order within 3-5 days (sooner if you selected UPS overnight or 2-day Air).
Orders shipped outside the US are shipped via USPS priority mail and should arrive in 7-14 days depending on your country. Check with us to see if we can send you the digital program via download if you want it soon.
If you ordered a DIGITAL PROGRAM (DOWNLOAD ONLY), you will receive an email shortly with instructions on how to download your program and bonuses.
- Check Your Email (could take up to 2 hours)
- The email will contain a link to download your program and bonuses.
- The email will also contain a password, needed to access your program. (Note: If you ordered more than one program, the email will contain a link and password for each program.)
If you do not get the email within the next couple hours please Contact Us (M-F, 9am-5pm Eastern Time).
If you purchased by credit card only, the purchase will appear from “Peak Performance Sports.”
Please enter your name, email, role, and sport below to receive product updates, new bonuses and future specials.
Upgrade Your Order to One-on-One Mental Coaching
Do you want to fast-track your mental game improvement? Consider upgrading your order to personal mental coaching with Dr. Patrick Cohn.
You can improve your mental game one-on-one with us in Orlando, Florida or get coaching from anywhere in the world via telephone, Skype, or video conferencing.
Apply the full cost of the program to a personal coaching program and you get to keep the CD program!
All programs include:
- The Athlete’s Mental Aptitude Assessment (AMAP)
- A custom Mental Game Coaching Plan
- Weekly 45-minute mental game coaching sessions
- Unlimited email correspondence
- Athlete’s Mental Edge workbooks and performance boosting eBooks.
One-on-one mental coaching is the fastest and most effective method to improve your mental game, boost your performance, and make lasting changes. We have a variety of mental coaching programs to choose from. Please call us at 888-742-7225 with your questions.
888-742-7225 | 407-909-1700