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We receive a lot of emails every day from athletes, parents, and coaches interested in sports psychology or mental training, but we will do our very best to return your email within one day or less Monday – Friday 9:00-5:00 Eastern Time.
The first thing you should do is make sure the email you contacted us with is on your white list/inbox so you don’t miss any cool tips or important updates from me in the future.
While you wait for us to return your email, please browse our sports psychology proshop:
If you are interested in our one-on-one mental game coaching programs, please call us at 888-742-7225 and speak to Caitlin, Jaclyn, or myself right away.
Note: the best time to talk to us live in the office is Monday-Friday from 9-5 Eastern Time.
Dr. Patrick Cohn & Jaclyn Ellis, M.S.
p.s. For more information on the MGCP Certification program for mental coaches, visit the Mental Game Coaching Professional website.
Peak Performance Sports, LLC
888-742-7225 | 407-909-1700