“14 Days of Proven Confidence-Boosting Techniques Guaranteed To Drastically Build Self-Confidence & Improve Sports Performance.”
Master Mental Game Coach to Pro Athletes Reveals His Secrets to Developing Ultimate Self-Confidence.
If you’re an athlete who struggles with self-doubt, loses confidence, or can’t take “practice confidence” to competition, this could be the most important article you may ever read.
Dear Athlete:
Self-confidence is what separates champion athletes from the rest of the competitors.
You can possess all the physical talent in the world, the best equipment money can buy, and train harder or longer than anyone else in your sport or on your team, but if self-doubt enters your mind prior to competition, you simply will not realize your true potential in sports.
Can you identify with any of these common confidence killers?
Soccer Player Loses Confidence in Competition
“I train so hard in practice, but in a game situation, I doubt myself and don’t have the same level of confidence I had in practice.”*
Golfer Lacks Confidence After Making Mistakes
“I try to perform so perfectly when I play golf that after I hit a bad or even marginal shot, I get frustrated, hit more bad shots, and then lose my confidence altogether.”*
Basketball Player Unravels After Coach Blows Top
“When my coach rides me after missing a simple lay up, my confidence goes out the window and then I play tentatively for the rest of the game and can’t find the basket.”*
Golfer Needs Playing Partners Comments For Confidence
“When I hit a good shot and my playing partners don’t say a word or acknowledge my good shot, I start to think they think I’m not a good golfer and then I lose confidence.”*
Motocross Racer Becomes Intimidated on the Start Line
“When I look down the start line, I see all these fast racers who have won big races. This makes me feel inferior and I start to doubt my chances of a podium finish.”*
Having helped my students overcome every one of these problems,
you can now discover my unique solutions to these confidence busters.
Rocket Your Confidence to New Levels!
Discover the skills to be ultra confident. You’ll learn…
- What race car driver legend Mario Andretti told me about how to prepare to feel confident and how you can do the same yourself.
- The secret to stable, long-lasting confidence in sports and how great athletes keep supreme levels of confidence all the time.
- How to quickly identify TOP doubts that sabotage and suck the like out of your confidence and how to quickly crush these doubts by turning them into statements of confidence.
- How a new confidence booster for each of 14 days helps you harness the power of self-confidence.
- How to practice using the talk of champions by ingraining self-confidence affirmations daily.
- How to take control of your confidence before competition instead of waiting for positive results before you can feel confident.
- How a daily mental rehearsal helps you ingrain your affirmations and burn them in your subconscious mind.
- How removing this one mental game roadblock can unlock your suppressed confidence.
Some athletes are naturally blessed with confidence from an early age, while others struggle with it. Stable self-confidence will not only help you perform your best every day in competition, it will improve other aspects of life such as school, work, and relationships!
About Dr. Cohn, Your Mental Game Guru
As a dedicated mental game coach, and sports psychology expert, I have studied, researched, and worked with 1000s of athletes for nearly two decades. Over the course of my twenty-some years working, I’ve accrued an impressive list of accomplishments and credentials such as:
- Working with some of the top athletes in the world including PGA Tour winners and NASCAR winners on techniques to improve confidence, focus, and composure for sports.
- Interviewing many top athletes in the world including Ernie Els, Mario Andretti, and Helen Alfredsson to uncover the strategies, techniques, and skills that keep these professional athletes at the pinnacle of performance.
- Authoring and producing an extensive library of sports psychology books, videos, audio programs and training seminars. (Visit the PeakSports.com proshop or seminar page for details.)
- Earning a Ph.D. in Sports Psychology from the University of Virginia having published more articles than any other students at the time.
What Customers Have to Say About
The Confident Athlete CD Program
“Best Investment I’ve Ever Made”
“I bought The Confident Athlete and I have to tell you it is one of the best investments I’ve ever made in sports (and I’ve made quite a lot!)” I am a top amateur racquetball player. I have multiple state and regional titles, and 2 national titles. Your approach and ideas have snapped me out of a slump that has lasted way too long. The sport is fun again and I am playing like my old self for the first time in a long time!”*
~Mark Davis
“Great Job Simplifying Sports Psychology”
“The books/CD’s in ‘The Confident Athlete’ are very good. My swimmer has responded very favorably to them, in fact, her father purchased all three programs. You have done a great job consolidating and simplifying the myriad of ideas in sports psychology.”*
~Nick Baker, Peak Performance Swim Camp
“I Immediately Saw Results”
“I first purchased The Confident Athlete to see how the program went and immediately saw results. I then purchased the rest of the confident athlete series and have noticed a dramatic improvement in my level of play or should I say consistency. I currently play NCAA Division 1 baseball for Lamar University, and even my coaches have noticed a change in the way that I approach the game. My attitude and confidence at the plate.”*
~Tylor Prudhomme
(Listen to his success story)
“Thank God for Leading Us to Your Web site”
“My son finished the entire Confident Athlete Program. The CD Program helped TREMENDOUSLY. He used it to keep positive thoughts flowing. He was able to focus on his fight instead of on his negative thoughts. He fought at his very best. We are thankful to God for leading us to your web site. The CONFIDENT ATHLETE was perfect.“*
~Wanda, Sports Parent
“I Liked the Format and Ease of the Program”
“I enjoyed ‘The Confident Athlete’ very much. I particularly liked the format, the ease of the program, and the 2 CDs that accompanied the workbook – 10-20 minutes a day was simple to adhere to and put in my busy schedule. I love the part about confidence with grace, and what I want to portray and feel the minute I step foot into Los Angeles for nationals. I love the affirmations, the relaxation techniques, and just the entire perspective of the program.”*
~Sarah, US National Aerobic Gymnastics Team
“An Almost Instant Change in Attitude”
“I am a ASP world qualifying professional surfer and after beginning the ‘The Confident Athlete’ I had an almost instant change in attitude about my own surfing ability and my mindset going into competition. By using the Confident Athlete strategies, my confidence has done a complete 180 degrees. I won a local pro/am a few weeks back, and just had my best result of the year in one the last big events on the world circuit this last week in Brazil! It is my secret weapon!”*
~Shaun Burrell, Professional Surfer
(Listen to his success story)
“I Can Assist My Child with Her Mental Preparation”
“We love ‘The Confident Athlete.’ My 10-year-old daughter is an equitation rider and show jumper. We started your program as soon as we received it and got to lesson 6 just before a major competition. Natalie came 4th in the children’s open equitation and 3rd in the children’s show jumping champs. An amazing achievement on which many people commented… As a parent, it has been great for me as I now am more capable of assisting her in her mental preparation. Thanks so much!”*
~Beth MacLarty, Sports Parent
“Great Results and Excellent Consistency”
“I’ve been doing great! I’ve been using your Confident Athlete 14-Day Program and it has really worked for me. We’ve achieved great results and excellent consistency in our horseshows. We’ve had some pretty big wins. Thanks so much. Your program has done wonders for me.”*
~Diane Wade, Equestrian
“Amazed How Much it Helped My Niece Play Her Best”
“We are amazed at how much ‘The Confident Athlete’ program has helped my niece play her best tennis during matches. She literally made it to the farthest round of a tournament (semifinals) after finishing the CDs/workbook. We are going to do all 3 in the series.”*
~Jason Bourguignon, Uncle
Like Having Your Own Personal Mental Coach
Today professionals and amateur athletes from all over the world pay me huge sums to help them improve performance because they recognize the empowering effect mental game coaching can bring to their game. My mental training system uses real-life tested mental game strategies that builds confidence easily and quickly uncover the mindsets that breakdown and destroy confidence.
The great news is that you too, can tap into my knowledge and
experience to learn how to bring ultimate confidence to competition!
Whether you’re an amateur or a professional athlete, I’m offering you all of my self-confidence
boosting secrets so you can have ultimate self-confidence starting today.
Remember, confidence is a choice you make – it does not happen by chance! You have to make a conscious effort to proactively seek confidence building thoughts and behaviors.
Less confident athletes leave confidence to chance!
If you have to wait for positive results before you feel confident – it’s too late. Confident athletes are proactive instead of reactive when it comes to confidence. Yes, confidence is a mindset and you must exercise free will and choose to think and act with confidence, composure, and grace under pressure. But…
Many athletes let doubt run rampant in their minds and do not fight the doubter inside.
Doubt or indecision about your ability erodes confidence in a big way!
Doubt and indecision are confidence killers that if left unchecked, will drag you down and lead to unhealthy thoughts and behaviors. For example, do you question your ability just at the wrong time such as, “Do I have what it takes to get this batter out?” “Can I make his putt to win the hole?” “Will I keep missing easy jump shots like in the first half of the game?”
The best athletes in the world do not let doubts rule their thinking and remain confident in the face of mistakes and adversity.
Take Control of Your Mindset and Performance!
Can you experience yourself right now walking out onto the court, diamond, course, or playing field with complete conviction in your ability and unwavering confidence beaming like a bright light? Imagine feeling dominant, positive with only confident thoughts, and ready to take control of the game.
You can learn how to think like a champion and have ultimate self-confidence just like the pros. It’s not hard or impossible to achieve – I help athletes reach their goals every day and you, too, can learn the same strategies I teach to my students who pay me well over $1000 per day for personal coaching.
You get all the details about my program –
A 14-Day Plan for Ultimate Self-Confidence – below.
Or You Can Get Started Right Now
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You Are What You Think You Are
It’s probably no secret to you that people behave and act based on thoughts and learned patterns. Confident athletes have learned what thoughts breed and strengthen confidence. Athletes who have low self-confidence have conditioned themselves to let self-doubt run wild and inadvertently question their own ability. When you let self-doubt run unchecked, it scorches any confidence you bring to competition.
- Problem #1: You have a negative self-image of yourself as an athlete and this stifles confidence.
- Problem #2: No matter how positive you try to be, you can’t shake the doubt that rushes into your head when you size up your competition.
- Problem #3: Mistakes snowball into more mistakes because your self-talk becomes too negative to hold your head up.
- Problem #4: You label yourself as a loser, poor closer, or mediocre athlete and these labels keep you stuck in a rut of self-pity and indecision.
- Problem #5: You can’t feel confident until you make the first putt of the day, nail a jump shot, or hit a backhand winner. However, this confidence is only temporary.
Athletes who lack total confidence feel as if they are helpless and can’t get out of a huge rut. Athletes with supreme confidence feel in control and on top of the world.
Do you prefer confident and in control or doubt and helplessness? I thought so. You can empower yourself to take action and I have the mental strategies to help unlock your confidence and instill confidence-enhancing thoughts – so you can be in control with greater levels of confidence – consistently.
Why Competitive Confidence is More Important than Practice Confidence
Do you have tons of confidence in practice only to have that hard-earned confidence disappear when you enter the competitive arena? Competitive confidence is the only confidence that counts when the whistle blows or the game starts.
Yes, that right. I see a big difference – in some athletes – between practice confidence – the confidence you get from your practice and training routines and competitive confidence – the confidence you need to perform your best.
Many students that hire me for personal coaching have all the confidence they need when performing in practice because they are comfortable with their practice routines – when results do not really count!
But these same athletes at game time are empty on the confidence fuel gauge. Somewhere between practice and competition they psych themselves out, get flooded with doubts, or feel inferior to the competition.
Why would an athlete have loads of confidence just one day before the competition and then feel like he or she can’t crawl out of a hole before the real test on game day?
There are many reasons athletes consciously or unconsciously sabotage their confidence when they go from a practice situation to competition, too many to mention here.
Let me help you put a stop to the confidence leak. You can learn to have greater levels of confidence in competition than you do in practice by identifying the specific ways you undermine your own confidence and how to convert your practice confidence into COMPETITIVE CONFIDENCE.
“I just finished ‘The Confident Athlete Program‘. Improving confidence is a never ending process. I think that confidence boosting is an awesome area. Having a daily mental plan for mental “work outs” can turbo charge anyone’s confidence level…. Studying almost all of Dr. Cohn’s mental game materials gives me a real EDGE over my competitions and most importantly – a boost in my daily life.”*
~Radek Sefcik, peaksports.com customer
The Confident Athlete: A 14-Day Plan for Ultimate Self-Confidence
“The Confident Athlete” is a ground-breaking system to teach you how to think like a champion and have ultimate self-confidence every time you step on the playing field, court, track, or course.
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Never before have I shared ALL MY CONFIDENCE-
BOOSTING SECRETS in a 14-day step-by-step
easy-to-apply mental training program.
“The Confident Athlete” consists of 2 audio CD’s that include 14 days of confidence fueling exercises and a simple to follow workbook that guides you through the 14 days, helps you apply the strategies, and customizes the exercises to your personal needs.
The 2 CDs and workbook guide you
through 7 sections every day for 14 days…
**The Warm Up**
Prepare your mind for more confidence with an introduction to the daily confidence booster
**Confidence Clip**
Learn by example by taping into the mindset of champion athletes
**Daily Objective**
A way to be clear and understand what you need to learn each day
**Daily Confidence Boost**
A daily confidence boosting exercise you can do in your own workbook
**Energize Your Confidence**
Ingrain and deepen your confidence each day with mental imagery and positive affirmations
**Take Confident Action**
Goals and task for you to take action and apply what you learn to competition and practice
**The Confidence Scoreboard**
Test your understanding and application of the principles and concepts each day.
Ideal For Athletes at Any Level
The confident athletes was developed for any athlete – junior to professional –that wants to gain confidence. However, coaches and sports parents can learn how to teach others to perform with ultimate confidence. Use my program if you want to bust a slump or just wanting higher or more consistent levels of self-confidence.
“The Confident Athlete” works because I have used
these strategies successfully with my students for years!
If you have any reservations about the appropriateness of my program for a young or junior athlete, don’t worry. You can sample the program and return it if you find that your athlete is too young or not mature enough to apply the principles – for a full refund!
“As a result of reading and implementing ‘The Confident Athlete,’ I am once again enjoying golf and letting bad shots roll off my shoulders and appreciating my good shots without attaching expectations. Thanks Dr. Cohn!”*
~Stu Blasius, P.G.A. Golf Professional
Worth Every Penny
I would love you to work with me as a personal coaching student, but many athletes just can’t afford personal coaching. But I am on a mission – I want to impact as many athletes as I can and make a difference in your mental game and performance right now without the need to hire me directly.
I also want to get you hooked on the benefits of mental training and confidence boosting strategies and show you how confidence can be THE difference between winning and losing.
As a bonus, you can apply my 14-step program beyond sports to other areas of your life including school, work, relationships, or frankly any endeavor you pursue. Confidence is the key that unlocks success in any career!
What would it be worth to you –
to perform with ultimate confidence
in sports or any endeavor?
You can own your personal copy of “The Confident Athlete” today at a special introductory offer price of only 99.00 $89.00 (plus shipping). This special program with two premium bonuses is worth at least $199 retail, but as a devoted peaksports.com reader, I am offering it to you at more than 50% off retail price!
I only produced a limited number of copies in the third printing and I’m certain these will sell like hot cakes just like the first two batches of this one of a kind program. Reserve your copy today before the price reverts to retail.
In summary, with THE CONFIDENT ATHLETE, you get:
- 2 CDs packed with confidence-boosting tips that you can enjoy many times again to squeeze out the last drop of confidence you can.
- A 68 page workbook to help you practice and apply the mental game strategies, and individualize the exercises to your needs.
- 14 Days of confidence boosters and other unique exercises to solidify each confidence booster and help you easily apply to competition.
- A daily confidence scoreboard that can be used to score your confidence after every competition.
- A summary of all confidence action plans you must take to top off your confidence fuel tank.
- Two additional peak performance bonuses (see below) that makes this purchase a no-brainer.
Go Ahead – Intimidate Your Competitors!
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Two Special Peak Performance Bonuses Included!
Special Bonus #1 – A Great Place to Get Started
“The Confidence-Expectation Connection:
A Guide to Ridding Yourself of Harmful Expectations”
As you achieve greater success in sports, expectations can also elevate to the point of harming your confidence. If you don’t reach your own expectations – I should score 10 points today – confidence can take a blow especially when you ask yourself “what’s wrong with me?”
Learn how to identify and discard the very expectations that will dampen your confidence.
“The bonus e-book you offered paid dividends this weekend! After reading ‘The Confidence-Expectation Connection’ e-book, I made some changes in my thought processes. My partner and I shot 64 to come from 4 strokes behind and win by 5! I am eagerly looking forward to the CD program to arrive.”
~Steven Fink, Amateur Golfer
Download this PDF report immediately and begin work on confidence immediately after you purchase “The Confident Athlete”. PDF report value: $15.00
Special Bonus #2 – A Perfect Primer Course
Don’t Hang Your Head :
How to Keep Confidence After Mistakes or Adversity
A free one-hour bonus audio program of a live confidence improvement teleclass given by myself. Learn how to shut down the inner critic that won’t shut up after making errors or losing the game. Learn how to keep your confidence no matter how badly you played in competition.
Download this special audio program immediately while you wait for “The Confident Athlete” to arrive by mail. Downloadable MP3 Audio program value: $30.00.

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Buy the Entire Series and Save $89 –
(The Confident, The Focused, The Relaxed, The Fearless Athlete & The Composed Athlete Programs)
Too-Good-To-Be-True Money-Back Guarantee
I stand by my work and reputation as a leading mental game professional. If you are not completely satisfied with “The Confident Athlete” program, you can return the CDs and workbook (within 30 days) for a full refund, no questions asked! And you can keep the special bonuses to boot!*
*Not applicable if you purchase another workbook in the series.
What is the one mental skill that all great athletes possess?
What are you waiting for? I am virtually giving away all my confidence-boosting secrets in my unique, real-life tested program, available to you at this low introductory price.
Two Easy Methods to Place Your Risk-Free Order
1. The easiest and most efficient way is to place your order online today and download your 2 bonuses seconds after you complete your order. Click Here to Order Now.
2. Call toll free 888-742-7225 and place your order with a valid credit card. Have your email, address, phone number, and credit card handy.
Coaches: If you want every member of your team to get a copy, email or call us for a special team rate. Tell us the number of athletes you have on your team.
Below, you can order the digital download version or have the program shipped to you.

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Thank you for taking the time to read about “The Confident Athlete” – the best investment you might ever make to rocket your self-confidence to new heights. I look forward to helping you reach your athletic goals with more confidence than you can imagine.

Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D.
Master Mental Game Coach
Peak Performance Sports
P.O. Box 3188
Windermere, FL 34786-3188
P.S. You can learn the same confidence-boosting strategies I teach my personal coaching students for a fraction of the price. Ask yourself: What is the most important mental skill in sports worth to you? Click here to order ‘The Confident Athlete – Guaranteed to rocket your confidence to new heights!
*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.