The Mental Edge For Volleyball

Volleyball Players: Discover Mental Game Secrets to Improve Game-Time Performance

Learn Proven Strategies to Perform with Confidence in Games!

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Volleyball Mental Game

Do you over think your performance in games? Do you lose confidence easily after a couple of blown plays? Do you become so frustrated with your game that you can’t focus on the next play?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s a good bet that your mental game might prevent you from consistent performance in games…

If you’re ready to improve your mental toughness and perform with stable self-confidence in games, we have a program that is right for you.

Your volleyball mental game experts Dr. Patrick Cohn and Dr. Megan Melchiorre want to share powerful mental strategies to help you (or your team) perform your best in practice and more consistently at your peak in volleyball games…

Volleyball players complain about…

  • “My confidence seems to disappear when I go from practice to games and I don’t know why.”
  • “I get so frustrated when I make a bad pass that my confidence sinks.”
  • “I get nervous and anxious in big games and feel too much pressure to be perfect.”
  • “I train so hard in practice, but in a game situation, I doubt myself and don’t perform the way I do in practice.”
  • “Sometimes I play great in games, other times, I play tight and anxious. How can I become more consistent?”
  • “I know it’s important, but I have no idea how to mentally prepare for games.”

These volleyball players suffer from…

  • Fear of failure and worry about outcomes.
  • Inability to take practice confidence into games.
  • Fragile confidence after bad serves or mistakes.
  • Poor emotional control or ability to cope with mistakes.
  • Inability to play freely and relaxed in games.

“Thanks again for teaching me how to do mental game coaching with my volleyball team. We are already seeing results for just our FIRST meeting! I really enjoyed out work together in Orlando!”*
~Kurt Trout, Iowa Rockets Volleyball Coach

Volleyball Mental Game

The Mental Edge For Volleyball: 8 Mental Strategies For Peak Performance
Digital Download ONLY – Get immediate access to the program.
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ONLY $197!

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Or Call to Order: 888-742-7225

Real-life Mental Game Challenges from Volleyball Players

“Under pressure my mind overthinks and I mess up”

“During every game and practice when I am performing under pressure my mind over thinks everything and I tend to mess up on the simplest things. When I am not under pressure the feelings of nervousness mixed with my fear of messing up causes my head to not think clearly and I can’t focus on where to move or what to do on the court.”

“I doubt my abilities and my skills”

“I have extremely low self confidence when it comes to volleyball. I doubt my abilities and skills. Even though my coaches and teammates try to boost it, it doesn’t always work. I know that by making all these mistakes and not playing to what I am capable of I am letting everybody down.”

“I lack self-confidence in my game”

“I have a big lack of self-confidence in my game. I’ve played at a very competitive club level since I was 9 and I’m now 16, I should have confidence in myself. What should I work at to get that confidence up?”

“I know I am a good player, but under pressure, I make mistakes”

“I know I’m a good player, but sometimes, especially when I’m under pressure or if I make mistakes, my confidence plummets, my concentration breaks and I can’t play my best… as a result I start making more mistakes and the cycle continues.”

“I fear being the weak link which leads to negative self-talk”

“I constantly find myself doubting my abilities because the girls I play with are very skilled technically. I fear being the weak link which leads to negative self-talk and inability to pull away from mistakes.”

Having helped our personal coaching students overcome these challenges, you too can discover the top mental game strategies we have taught to club, academy, high school, and college volleyball players!

About the Authors

We’ve helped thousands of elite athletes including top youth, collegiate, and pro athletes from many sports for nearly two decades.

About Dr. Patrick Cohn:

Dr. Patrick Cohn is president of Peak Performance Sports. He is an author, professional speaker, and the nation’s leading sports psychology expert. His mental coaching programs instill confidence, composure, and mindsets that enable athletes and teams to reach peak performance. Dr. Cohn has helped amateur and professional athletes and teams from a variety of sports develop mindsets needed to reach peak performance. Dr. Cohn has written a number of sports psychology books, including the popular Confident Athlete CD series, and runs the world’s most comprehensive online mental training system.

“Great news. In the last three weeks, we captured the following: our league championship; the northern Ontario [N.O.S.S.A.] Championship; the provincial “AA” [O.F.S.A.A.] Championship and finally the Hawaiian Sun & Surf Invitational Championship. Quite a feat! The team is totally elated. I would like to thank you, on their behalf, for the information you supplied on mental preparation. We remained focused and played relaxed! Your insights, which we incorporated into our practices, were part of the reason for our successes.”*
~John Jeffries, Wildcat Volleyball

“We had a great result working with Megan for our 15s volleyball team. Our main goal was to keep focus and working towards improving our mental game. She taught them how to use separate cues to keep them on track and work on dealing with mistakes. The girls really improved through the season and reached many goals in place when we were able to break down our mental game.”*
-Liz Markovitz, Head Coach at Jammers Volleyball Club

Just Practical Mental Game Strategies

We’re on a mission to teach you proven and simple mental game strategies so you can overcome any mental barrier, take your practice game to competition, and boost your confidence in volleyball.

We won’t waste your time with psychobabble or research! Just simple, proven mental game strategies to help you perform at your peak!

The best part is that you too, can tap into our expertise and experience in coaching athletes to improve their mental game. I’ve worked with athletes for 25 plus years – and know the top challenges that hurt athletes’ performance in competition.

You’ll learn the top eight mental game lessons for volleyball players – the same lessons we teach our personal coaching students, who pay thousands of dollars for our strategies. We’ve made sure that our lessons are easy and effortless for you to improve your mental game.

Who Should Purchase “The Mental Edge For Volleyball”?

“The Mental Edge For Volleyball: 8 Mental Strategies For Peak Performance” Audio and Workbook program is ideal for any club, academy, college, or professional volleyball players. In addition, volleyball coaches, instructors, and parents would also be wise to teach the strategies we provide in “The Mental Edge For Volleyball” to their players.

  • Players: Get the mental edge by learning how to take control of your confidence, mentally prepare for games, and perform with composure under pressure.
  • Trainers: Learn how to give your students the mental game advantage.
  • Coaches: Boost your team’s confidence using simple, proven mental strategies.
  • Parents: Help boost your volleyball player’s confidence. Don’t let their mind hold them back any longer.

“The Confidence e-book has been wonderful for our 15 teens Junior Olympic Volleyball team. We have participated in three tournaments and won 2! He has the girls playing emotionally and stepping it up during the big games. He has been able to get them to be cocky and believing in themselves. He has (using your advice) approached two of the players and asked them to be inspirational leaders. It is great to see them step up to the challenge.”
~Bill Forgione

What’s Included In “The Mental Edge For Volleyball” Program?

“The Mental Edge For Volleyball” is a complete brain dump of the TOP eight mental training sessions we teach our volleyball players to help them boost their mental game and improve consistency – from how to mentally prepare for games to performing under pressure to building unstoppable confidence.

8 Volleyball Mental Toughness Sessions with Audio and Workbook:

  • Session 1: How to Overcome Pressure-Packed Expectations
  • Session 2: How to Focus on The Process and Refocus When Distracted
  • Session 3: How to Have Proactive and Stable Confidence
  • Session 4: How to Trust Your Skills From Practice to Games
  • Session 5: How to Stay Composed After Making Mistakes
  • Session 6: How to Overcome The Need to Play Perfect
  • Session 7: How to Mentally Prepare Before Each Play
  • Session 8: How to Mentally Prepare For Games Using a Warm-Up Routine

“The Mental Edge For Volleyball” Audio and Workbook Program Includes:

  • One “Mental Edge For Volleyball” workbook to guide you through my mental toughness sessions and to overcome mental game roadblocks.
  • Eight “Mental Edge For Volleyball” confidence-boosting sessions on audio. Each 25-30 minute session includes one mental training lesson to help you improve confidence, focus, composure, and develop focused routines.
  • Eight “Mental Edge For Volleyball” Post-Game Assessments to help assess how you are doing and provide the answers to make any adjustments with your mental game.
  • Three “Mental Edge For Volleyball” bonus programs for setting smart goals and coping with pregame jitters.

“Helped Me Realize My Expectations Were Inhibiting My Goals”

“Coach Megan has really helped me to strengthen my mental game.  She helped me realize my expectations were inhibiting my goals and my performance. After working with her and doing several exercises, I restructured my goals and have a better idea how to be a top performer. Coach Megan understands the players mindset and I am so glad I had the opportunity to work with her. I will take what I learned and apply it not only in sports but in my academic life too! Thanks so much Coach Megan!!”
-Sarah Durham, DS at Jammers Volleyball Club

Download 3 Bonuses With Your Order!

  • BONUS #1: Mental Preparation Secrets for Serve Receive in Volleyball
    You’ll learn how to focus your mind and trust your skills using an pre-serve routine, as well how to mentally prepare to perform well during serve receive.(bonus value = $50.00).
  • BONUS #2: Mental Game Strategies For Coping with Pregame Jitters
    You’ll learn the difference between normal, pre-game jitters and performance anxiety. You’ll also learn how to embrace pregame jitters as helpful to your performance.(bonus value = $50.00).
  • BONUS #3: Mental Game Strategies For Smart Goal Setting
    You’ll learn how to set smart goals for volleyball to help you improve your performance and strive for success. (bonus value = $20.00).

Total VALUE of Bonus Package: $120.00!

“Mental Edge For Volleyball”
Audio and Workbook Program is ON SALE

Volleyball Mental Game

The Mental Edge For Volleyball
Digital Download ONLY – Get immediate access to the program.
No shipping costs! Avoid costly international shipping charges!

ONLY $197!

Order Sports Psychology CD


Or Call to Order: 888-742-7225

What’s the Cost of “The Mental Edge For Volleyball”?

“The Mental Edge For Volleyball” Audio and Workbook program is the most comprehensive mental game program we’ve offered to the public. We’re virtually giving away all our mental game secrets for the incredibly low price of only $197.00 including the free bonuses!

Why so cheap?

This is our way of saying “thanks” to our loyal Peaksports subscribers!

Of course, we’re happy if you instead choose to enroll in our one-on-one mental coaching program! However, our one-on-one personal coaching program starts at $500 for one month of coaching!

Order Your Program Today…

Two Easy Payment Methods
1. The easiest and most efficient way is to place your order online today. Click Here to Order Now.
2. Call us toll free 888-742-7225 and place your order with a valid credit card. Have your email, address, phone number, and credit card handy.

“If You Don’t Get Results, We’ll Buy It Back!”

We stand by our work 100%… we never want you to feel like buying “The Mental Edge For Volleyball” Audio and Workbook program is a gamble. Embrace my strategies and apply it 100% to your game. If you’re not happy, for ANY reason in the next 30 days, just contact us by email or phone, return the audio and workbook and we will buy it back. You’ll get a courteous refund of every penny! Does that sound fair?

Thank you for taking the time to read about “The Mental Edge For Volleyball” Audio and Workbook Program – the best value to rocket your confidence, focus, and composure to new heights. Please contact us if you have any questions!


Dr. Patrick Cohn
Volleyball Mental Training

Peak Performance Sports