Golf Mental Training Programs for Golfers

Golf Psychologist
Golf Psychology Coach

Discover Mental Game of Golf Strategies That Helped Junior, Collegiate, And Tour Professional Golfers Win!

If you’re not shooting the scores you are capable of on the course, most likely your mental game is holding you back. Consider the following questions:

  • Is the frustration of not performing up to your potential causing you to want to give up golf?
  • Does your confidence evaporate when you step on the course?
  • Are you discouraged from working so hard in practice and not getting any results during your rounds?
  • Are other golfers beating you who do not work as hard as you or who don’t have a good swing?

Our mental performance coaches can help you uncover the beliefs and attitudes that keep you from performing up to your potential. You’ll learn proven mental strategies we use to help Tour professional golfers get into the winner’s circle (see bottom of page for testimonials).

Whether you’re an AJGA junior golfer, college player, serious amateur or seasoned tour pro, golf mental game coaches we can help you improve golf confidence, focus, and composure on the course and boost your on-course performance. You’ll work one-on-one with us in Orlando Florida or via Skype, FaceTime, GoTo Meeting, or telephone.

Contact Us Today for Details or Read More

Please contact us today to learn how mental coaching works and to request details and pricing on all mental training programs. Complete the web form below or call us toll-free.

Please provide your name, email, sport and your role below:

Improve Your Mental Game From Anywhere In The World

You can get expert mental coaching with us from anywhere. Meet with us via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, or phone. With today’s video technology, we are able to connect with athletes and coaches all over the globe.

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Video Mental Coaching

Think like a champion golfer and develop the golf confidence of a tour pro with one-on-one golf mental training coaching! We’ve helped golfers win at all levels including AJGA junior golfers, collegiate golfers, mini-tour golfers, Canadian Tour, PGA Tour, and LPGA Tour golfers.

Whether you’re an AJGA junior golfer, college player, serious amateur or seasoned tour pro, golf psychology coaching can help you improve golf confidence, focus, and composure on the course and give your golf performance a boost. You’ll work one-on-one with one of our mental game coaches.

Get the Mental Edge

Our exclusive golf psychology programs will help you:

  • Take your practice game to competition consistently
  • Uncover doubts and be proactive with your self-confidence
  • Increase the consistency of your performance with pregame routines
  • Learn mental strategies to help you get into the zone
  • Play beyond mental blocks, such as comfort zones and expectations

Golf Psychology Programs

You can improve your mental game one-on-one with us in Orlando, Florida or get coaching from anywhere in the world via Facetime, Zoom, Skype, or phone.

All golf psychology programs include the Golfer’s Mental Aptitude Assessment (GMAP), a custom Mental Game Plan, weekly coaching sessions, unlimited email correspondence, and The Golfer’s Mental Edge workbook and CD program.

One-on-one mental coaching is the fastest and most effective method to improve your mental game, boost your performance, and make lasting changes.

We have unique mental coaching programs, customized for you. Please review the options below and call us with your questions.

All Mental Coaching Program Include

Mental Coaching allows you to work one-on-one with us in Orlando area or anywhere in the world via Skype, FaceTime or telephone. Whether you’re at home or traveling for competition, get the mental edge over your competitors. This Program includes four weekly sessions per month for one to six months.

Here’s what you’ll get:

Golf Mental Game Program
  • Golfer’s Mental Aptitude Assessment (GMAP) to identify mental game challenges.
  • Custom Mental Game Plan, which guides your mental game improvement.
  • Four weekly coaching sessions per month (45-minute sessions)
  • Unlimited email correspondence with Dr. Cohn to answer your immediate questions.
  • The Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0 Audio and Workbook to review and apply mental game strategies between sessions ($399 value).

Program Cost – Please contact us at 888-742-7225.

Unsure if golf psychology can improve your performance? Read more about the history of Golf and The Mental Game.

Peaksports Mental Performance Coaches

Peak Performance Sports offers expert mental performance coaching with our certified mental coaches. Please click a photo below to visit the bio pages of our certified mental performance coaches.

Find a Sports Psychologist Near Me
Georgia Miller, ME
Sports Psychologist
Patrick Cohn, Ph.D.
Mental Performance Coach
Jaclyn Ellis, MS
Find a Mental Performance Coach
Brock McCormack, MS

Contact Peak Performance Sports Today

Please contact us today to learn how mental coaching works and to request pricing on all mental training programs for golfers. Complete our web form to contact us via email or call us toll-free at 888-742-7225.

Please provide your name, email, sport and role below:

Or Call us today at 888-742-7225

Golf Psychology Coaching Success Stories

Changing My Routine Has Been a Big Help

“You helped me with my routine—it’s almost like it has a flow to it—you pull your club and boom you are into it. You should glide through the routine. It’s when you try to make yourself stick to a cadence; the routine feels out of sync. Helping me get into the flow of the routine has been a big help.”*
~Joe Durant, PGA Tour winner

A Great System for Helping Golfers

“To play well, you have to believe you can play well. Confidence goes a long way in golf. Patrick has developed a great system for helping me improve confidence and my overall mental approach to golf.”*
~Brian Watts, 11-time Winner on the PGA Japan Tour

 The Mental Keys to What Makes a Great Putter

“I think Dr. Cohn’s research with players, and studying great players, being around great players, and working with players, has given him the insights and the keys to what makes a great putter. Dr. Cohn’s instruction will help players of any skill level improve their putting.”*
~Grant Waite, PGA Tour Winner

Helped Me Trust My Game

“The mental side is everything in golf—the ability to see your shot or line and trust that you can hit that shot or putt. Dr. Cohn has helped me trust my game and putting stroke.”*
~Frank Lickliter, PGA Tour, Nike Tour Winner

Developed Confidence and Touch Around the Greens

“To win at any level, you have to train both your mind and body. Dr. Cohn does an excellent job of teaching you how to develop confidence and touch around the greens, which are vital to any player’s success. Dr. Cohn has taught me excellent practice drills for putting that have helped me become a better putter.”*
~J.L. Lewis, PGA Tour winner

My Focus is Sharp and I Feel Relaxed

“I am so grateful for your insights and experience. My focus is sharp and I feel relaxed but ready to meet whatever challenge comes up. If I make a mistake, I am able to let it go and move on immediately. You have really helped me allot to get back on track and get things going again.”*
~Suzanne Strudwick, LPGA Tour

Mentally I am a much better player now

“After working with you at the end of 2001, I went from 51st to 18th on the money list. Mentally, I am a much better player now. Your golf psychology lessons on setting goals, playing without expectations, and reacting well to mistakes has made a big difference. Thanks for all your help and I look forward to continuing to improve my mental game.”*
~Tjaart Van Der Walt, Tour Winner

My golf game has improved dramatically

“Thank you for the past 4 months working with me under your golf psychology coaching program. My golf game has improved dramatically since we worked together last year. My greatest accomplishment to date was shooting under par for 4 straight rounds of golf. Never in my forty years of playing this great game did I ever accomplish that. Thanks again for all your knowledge and input.”*
~Steven Fink, scratch golfer

You have helped me in many ways

“Just wanted to say thank you Patrick for the many years of golf psychology training you have given me to help all the players the Good Lord sends my way and all the knowledge you have assisted me with over the years at the various seminars, tapes, and reading material. It is not often enough that we thank those who have played a significant part in our growing as instructors in this great game of ours. You have helped me in many ways and many of my players are that much better because of your influence in me.”*
~Joe Thiel, PGA Master Golf Professional


*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.