Sports Psychology for Equestrians

Improve Your Showing Consistency With Expert Mental Coaching For Equestrians

Equestrian mental coaching

Do you tighten up, get scared or have doubts about your skills before you go into the ring or on the course? If so, you might benefit from mental game coaching for peak performance. Many equestrians struggle with their confidence or nerves in competition. See if any of these statements sound familiar?

  • I’m so frustrated with my performance that I should give up!
  • I feel as if I start to doubt my skills when I go into the ring.
  • No matter how much I practice, I don’t get the same results in competition.
  • I wish I could stop focusing on other competitions when I compete.
  • I perform tight, scared, tentatively or try to not make mistakes in competition.

Contact Us Today for Details or Read More

Please contact us today to learn how mental coaching works and to request details and pricing on all mental training programs. Complete the web form below or call us toll-free.

Please provide your name, email, sport and your role below:

Improve Your Mental Game From Anywhere In The World

If you are tired of under performing when showing, you can get expert mental coaching from anywhere in the world. Meet with us via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, or phone. With today’s video technology, we are able to connect with athletes and coaches all over the globe.

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Mental Training for Equestrians

Equestrian Peak Performance

Mental toughness coaching helps serious equestrians, like you, to uncover the mental game roadblocks that keep you from performing your best in the ring or on the course. You’ll learn proven mental game strategies to perform with confidence, focus, composure, and improve consistency:

  • Consistently take your practice into every competition.
  • Overcome doubts and learn how to control your self-confidence
  • Use pre-ring routines to raise the consistency of your performance.
  • Learn mental strategies to let go of mistakes and stay calm.
  • Manage competitive distractions and perform with a laser-like focus.

Don’t spend another competition under-performing or performing tentatively.

Customized Programs For Equestrians

You can improve your mental game one-on-one with us in Orlando, Florida or get coaching from anywhere in the world via Facetime, Zoom, Skype, or phone.

Mental Edge Workbooks

All sports psychology coaching programs include:

  • The Athlete’s Mental Aptitude Assessment (AMAP)
  • A custom Mental Game Coaching Plan
  • Weekly coaching sessions
  • Unlimited email correspondence
  • Athlete’s Mental Edge workbooks and performance boosting eBooks.

One-on-one mental coaching is the fastest and most effective method to improve your mental game, boost your performance, and make lasting changes. We have a variety of mental coaching programs to choose from. Please call us at 888-742-7225 with your questions.

Peaksports Mental Performance Coaches

Peak Performance Sports offers expert mental performance coaching with our certified mental coaches. Please click a photo below to visit the bio pages of our certified mental performance coaches.

Find a Sports Psychologist Near Me
Georgia Miller, ME
Sports Psychologist
Patrick Cohn, Ph.D.
Mental Performance Coach
Jaclyn Ellis, MS
Find a Mental Performance Coach
Brock McCormack

Contact Peak Performance Sports Today

Please contact us today to learn how mental coaching works and to request pricing on all mental training programs. Complete the web form below to contact us via email, or call us toll-free.

Please provide your name, email, sport and role below:

Or call us today at 888-742-7225

Peak Performance Success Stories

“I had the fastest barrel racing time in a rodeo event.”

“I really enjoyed the e-book I purchased from you. I put into practice the instruction and was immediately rewarded with a new arena record! I cannot thank you enough for your very valuable advice. The record was for the fastest barrel racing time in a rodeo event.”*
~Tana Jureczki, Barrel racing

“No more entering the arena with ‘deer in the headlights’ look or feeling.”

“WOW!!! What a week I had. Results aside, the way I finally felt while performing and competing was really my win. I was able to perform with a confidence that allowed my style to shine through. No more entering the arena with that “deer in the headlights” look or feeling, no evaluating myself while I was performing – and, I actually left the arena after my patterns feeling like I had had a lot of fun.  I am looking forward to continuing to work with you to build on the strategies that you helped me create and to keep growing. Thank you so much”*
~ Julia Dreyer, National Champion Equestrian

“Our talk helped take away the negative self-talk.”

“Dr. Cohn. I am thrilled! Thank you so much for the help! My recent competition was so much better and like when I used to perform well! Our talk really helped to take away the negative self-talk and anxiety! I look forward to my next competition and our next talk.”*
~Kim Kolloff, state and national Jumper Competitor

“The Best Show I Have Ever Had”

“I came across your website and ordered the Equestrian Confidence CD program.  My competition yesterday was amazing and probably the best show my horse partner and I have ever had. I targeted reasonable objectives and broke things down. It was just us; no noise getting into my brain and creating those storms.”*
~Susan Mong, Equestrian

“Thank You for Such Great Programs”

“I finished ‘The Confident Athlete CD‘ and I am half way through ‘The Focused Athlete.’ Thank you for such great programs. I had come to the realization that I was overthinking things, not feeling my horse and relaxing (keeping it simple). You have given me the tools to RELAX and let my horse do her job.”*
~Kay Evans, Equestrian


*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.