Becoming a Mental Game Coach
Do you want to boost your credibility, improve your marketing prowess, and expand your practice as a mental game coach?
Do want to learn my secrets for going from zero to over six-figures as a mental game coach, but in a much shorter time?
Now you can… Join me and other mental game experts in my new mastermind coaching program designed for budding mental game coaches or sports psychology professionals.
15 years ago, when I started Peak Performance Sports and worked as a full-time sports psychology expert, I struggled to find new clients or students.
I have to admit, I was frustrated early in my career. It was really hard to find new students and get hired to do seminars for groups.
But after a lot of trial and error early on, I have carved out a wonderful career as a full-time mental game coach to athletes.
Next week, I’ll share with you my secrets when I open up a new mastermind coaching program designed to help you carve out your niche as a mental game expert and explode your practice.
You can preview my new program in the latest mental coach mentoring video:
Sports Psychology Expert Mentoring Videos
If you want the shortcuts to success as a full or part-time mental game expert, I can help you based on my 20 years of experience in this area.
You’ll get more details next week about this exciting new mentoring program. But right now, you should jump over to my web site to preview the new program: “Business-Building Secrets for Mental Game Coaches.”
Mental Game Coach Mentoring Videos
Only a few lucky mental game coaches can participate in this new mastermind group.
Your Master Mental Game Coach,
Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D.
p.s. Follow me on twitter to get real-time updates of blog posts, new articles, and new videos on mental coaching with athletes:
Boost Your Self-Confidence With Mental Game Coaching!
Master mental game coach, Dr. Patrick Cohn, can help you or your athlete(s), ages 12 and up, overcome mental game issues with personal coaching.
You can work with Dr. Patrick Cohn himself in Orlando, Florida or via Skype, FaceTime, or telephone. Call us toll free at 888-742-7225 or contact us for more information about the different coaching programs we offer!
What are our students saying?
“WOW!!! What a week I had. I was able to perform with a confidence that allowed my style to shine through–no more entering the arena with that “deer in the headlights” look or feeling. I stopped evaluating myself while I was performing, and I actually left the arena after my patterns feeling like I had experienced a lot of fun. Thank you so much.”
~Julia Dreyer, National Champion Equestrian