Mental Performance Coach on TikTok

Mental Performance Coach Dr. Patrick Cohn has been an athlete his entire life and now a mental game coach. You can follow the peaksports team of mental performance coaches on tiktok. Get quick tips to improve your mental game performance and confidence in sports.

tiktok mental performance coaches

Peak Performance Sports offers expert mental performance coaching with our trained mental coaches. Please preview our certified mental performance coaches and visit their bio page for more details…

Dr. Cohn is the owner and founder of Peak Performance Sports. Read more about Dr. Patrick Cohn, Mental Performance Coach in Orlando, FL.

Watch Mental Performance Coach TikTok Videos

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Dr. Patrick Cohn is on TikTok with short videos to improve your mental game and performance. Visit his Mental Performance Coach page on TikTok.

Watch Short Videos on YouTube

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For more short videos, visit our Mental Performance Coach page on TikTok. For longer mental performance videos, check out Peaksports Youtube page Mindset for Sports.

Mental Performance Coach for Athletes

Dr. Cohn has dedicated his mental game coaching to helping every athlete—from junior, amateur, to seasoned professional—excel in his or her sport. His mental training programs also help coaches, athletic trainers, and sports parents of aspiring athletes.

Dr. Cohn also mentors coaches, therapist, mental coaches, sports psychologist in training and others in the field of mental game coaching and performance via his Sports Psychology Certification Program. As a mental toughness specialist, many recognized sports figures and teams have sought out Dr. Cohn’s expertise. He has consulted with high profile teams such as the Miami Dolphins, NASCAR winners, NHL Players, National Motocross Champions, as well as PGA Tour professional golfers.

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