Month: September 2015

How to Finish Strong: Going for the Knockout Blow

How to Finish Strong

Do You Fall Apart After A Game? Has a coach ever told you, “You need to finish strong?” Do you feel you fall apart at the end of a game after you held the lead practically the whole game? Closing out games is a common problem for many teams and athletes… But why? Athletes that have difficulty closing … Sport Psychology Article…

How Athletes Can Overcome Tentative Performances – Video

Sports Psychology Video

Maintain Confidence No Matter What In “Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers your sports psychology and mental training questions about overcoming tentative performances for athletes. Here’s the question Dr. Cohn answers this week about overcoming tentative performance for athletes. DAVID ASKS: “My son plays baseball. When he’s comfortable in an environment, he shines, but we have tried … Sport Psychology Article…

Lydia Ko: The Mindset of a Record-Breaking Champion

How Visualization Helps Boost Confidence

Focusing Your Emotions On The Green Focusing is the most important and, often, most challenging mental skill to master in golf. Golf tournaments are filled with potential distractions, in particular negative thoughts and counter-productive emotions. Focusing on your emotions will, without a doubt, impede your golf game. The golfers that are the most successful are the ones who … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Get ‘Psyched Up’ Instead of ‘Psyched Out’

Improve Performance Under Pressure

Deal With High Pressure Situations In Games Why is it that some athletes step up in high-pressure situations when athletes dread those feelings of pressure? You have been in those situations where the end of a competition is running near and there is that critical moment where the outcome is about to be decided… your heart is pounding… … Sport Psychology Article…

Soccer Confidence CD Program

Soccer Players: discover mental game secrets to unstoppable confidence in practice and competition. Learn these proven strategies to improve focus, composure, and confidence — so you can perform at your peak in games! If you are ready to improve your mental toughness and perform with ultimate self-confidence in games, we have a program that will do just that. … Sport Psychology Article…

How Self-Intimidation Destroys Confidence – Video

Sports Psychology Video

Intimidation In Sports In “Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers your sports psychology and mental training questions about coping in sports when intimidated by the competition. Here’s the question Dr. Cohn answers this week about Intimidation In Sports. ARMAN ASKS: “I’m a race car driver from Turkey. I’m new in racing and all of my competitors are … Sport Psychology Article…