Month: November 2018

Composed Athlete

This is a step-by-step system for gaining maximum emotional control and performing well especially under pressure. You learn a comprehensive system to uncover the key mental breakdowns that hold athletes back from maintaining composure. Perfect for any athlete, coach, or parent who wants to learn or teach athletes how to stay cool, calm, and collected during crunch-time. Each … Sport Psychology Article…

The Fearless Athlete

The Fearless Athlete is 14-day step-by-step easy-to-apply mental training program designed to help you overcome the mental barriers of perfectionism, fear of failure, and learn to perform with unbeatable trust. You learn how to overcome performance anxiety, trust your practice and perform freely in competition. This program consists of 2 audio CD’s and a workbook you use for just … Sport Psychology Article…

Break The Yips Cycle

Breaking The Yips Cycle

Learn how to putt, chip, and pitch freely & enjoy golf again! “Breaking The Yips Cycle” is a complete brain dump of the TOP NINE mental training sessions I do with my personal coaching students to help them overcome the yips and play with freedom again. Breaking The Yips Cycle DVD and Workbook program is ideal for any … Sport Psychology Article…

How a Pregame Routine Helps Athletes Succeed

How to Develop A Pregame Routine

How to Develop A Pregame Routine Are you anxious prior to competitions? Do you feel unsure before a game and fearful that you might mess up? Prior to a competition, are your thoughts scattered and your mind filled with distractions? Do you find it difficult to mentally prepare for a competition and get into the right mindset? Anxiety, … Sport Psychology Article…