Bring Your Batting Practice To Games
In “Mental Training Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers your sports psychology and mental training questions about how to bring your practice game to competition and how to determine what’s throwing your focus off before game time. Visit and click on contact us to submit your question for Dr. Cohn to answer in his mental game videocast or podcast.
Here’s the question Dr. Patrick Cohn answers this week:
Dr. Cohn, My son is a freshman on the High School Varsity baseball team. In practices he crushes the ball. During scrimmages he crushes the ball. During the games he struggles. I have tried to work with his technique and came to the conclusion it may be more mental than his technique. He is not performing in the games as he does in practices. How can he get this under control?
Watch the video to see what tips Dr. Cohn gives to this sports dad to help his son.
Unsure if mental game coaching is right for you? Call us today at 888-742-7225 to set up a free 15-minute session to see if mental game coaching will benefit you.
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The Mental Edge for Ball Players

“The Mental Edge for Baseball and Softball Players” program consists of 8 workbook lessons and 8 audio programs that that guide you through the workbook.
If you have trouble taking your practice game to competition and under perform in games, your mental game might be the culprit! Baseball and softball players contact me everyday wanting to know why they become scared, anxious, afraid to make mistakes, and lack trust in their skills during games…
You might have a ton of physical talent and perform great in practice, but if you can’t get the job done when it counts, something is missing and the problem is an inferior mental game–not talent or motivation.