Focus and Concentration in Golf

How Do You React To Bad Shots?

Perspective in Golf

How to Keep Things in Perspective in Golf Losing is difficult. Costly mistakes late in a round are more difficult. Keeping losses and mistakes in perspective may seem impossible at times. The intense negative emotions you feel after a bad tee shot can disrupt your focus and cause a downward spiral over the next several shots. While managing … Sport Psychology Article…

Tips For Focusing When Playing 2-3 Strokes Down

Peak Play

Your Mental Game in Golf Golf is a game of ups and downs, great shots and easy misses, high and low scores, playing with the lead and playing from behind. Playing a round from behind is one of the more challenging aspects in golf. It is a challenge every golfer will face at one time or another. But … Sport Psychology Article…

Tips To Becoming A Resilient Golfer

Golf Resiliency

Do Negative Emotions Destroy Your Golf Game? Are you a resilient golfer and able to keep your emotions in check after a bad shot? Or do negative emotions destroy your golf game? Can you recall the last time you missed a shot and landed in the rough… Were you able to focus and get back on track? You … Sport Psychology Article…

Golfers, Do You Lose Focus During Your Preshot Routine?

Golf Focus

Concentrate During Your Preshot Routine Do you lose focus during your preshot routine–for no apparent reason as if you are “going through the motions”? I’ve written a lot about the importance of focusing on the right stuff while playing golf–especially during your preshot routine. I’m sure you can think of times when you stood over a putt and … Sport Psychology Article…

Golfers Who Are Haunted By Their Last Shot Or Hole…


Do You Think About The Last Shot You Made? Have you ever been haunted by your last golf shot, whether it be a poor tee shot or missing a critical putt? PROBLEM: Many golfers have difficulty focusing after a bad shot to the point that their performance drastically declines over the next few shots (The Negative Performance Cycle). … Sport Psychology Article…

How To Focus On The Process Instead Of Outcome In Golf

Process Focus

Where Should Your Focus Be? Are you able to stay focused on your current shot during critical moments in a golf tournament? Or does your mind drift causing you to think of all the potential negative outcomes of a bad shot or missed putt? You have probably experienced these thoughts…”I have to sink this putt” or “I’m two … Sport Psychology Article…