pregame nerves

How Athletes Can Embrace Feeling Nervous

How Athletes Can Embrace Feeling Nervous

Handling Nerves as an Athlete What is the difference between nervousness and anxiety? Anxiety knocks many athletes off their game. For these athletes, anxiety starts with unchecked nervousness and slowly builds, leading up to a competition and into the warm-up. By the time the game begins, they feel overwhelmed and out of control. An athlete can prevent anxiety … Sport Psychology Article…

Pregame Nerves, Where Do They Come From?

Sports Psychology Podcast

In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, answers a mental toughness question from a sports parent whose daughter’s pregame nerves prevent her from performing at her best. Dr. Cohn discusses some possible causes of feeling tight and anxious before competition. He shares how fear of failure and perfectionistism may play a … Sport Psychology Article…