Mindset in Sports

Pressure is Self-Induced by Expectations

Pressure is Self-Induced by Expectations

Expectations equals pressure for athletes… Pressure is a normal part of sports for athletes. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find athletes not make some type of reference about pressure they felt. As you become more competitive, pressure seems to increase and, for many athletes, that can be an overwhelming aspect of the athletic experience. Athletes … Sport Psychology Article…

Lessons from Mahomes Winning Mindset

Lessons from Mahomes Winning Mindset

Why do some athletes seem to have a winning mindset when games extend into overtime? Is it possible to change your mindset, or is an athlete’s mindset primarily genetic? You can probably run off several athletes’ names who just seem to perform at a higher level during overtime. Athletes like LeBron James, Patrick Mahomes, Breanna Stewart, and Alex … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Deal with External Noise

Tune negativity Out

Managing Negativity From Others What are the main distractions that affect your performance? In what competitive situations do you find focusing more difficult? Distractions can be described as unneeded noise in your mind Some noise is internal such as your self-talk. You had probably experienced times when you thought, “I’m not good enough,” “I always choke,” or “Other … Sport Psychology Article…

Staying Motivated in Your Sport

Shooter's Mindset

How to Perform at Your Best What motivates you to perform your best in competition? What sources of motivation give you that extra boost to push in practice and training? Without motivation, you won’t accomplish much in your sport. Competing at a high level requires you to fuel your motivational tank continually. It is interesting to note that motivation … Sport Psychology Article…

Athletes Who Are Stuck in a Training Mindset

adversity in sports

How to Develop a Competitive Mindset What is a competitive mindset? Can you learn to develop a competitive mindset? Two mindsets are important for your success. The are: the training mindset and the competitive mindset. These mindsets are characterized as: 1. The training mindset consists of improving the fundamental aspects of your sport. The training mindset is seen … Sport Psychology Article…