Visualization in Sports

How to Pros Use Visualization to Improve Success

Tune negativity Out

What is Visualization? How does it Work? Do you ever wonder, “Does visualization even work?” Just what is all the hype about visualization? First, have you ever performed at your peak when you catastrophized, thought negatively, expected the worse, and had images of yourself failing?  Definitely not! When you expect the worst, you often get the worst. It … Sport Psychology Article…

How Visualization Helps Athletes

Volleyball mental game

The Power of Visualization for Athletes Do you use visualization or imagery with your training regimen? Most athletes do not visualize or might only visualize before important competitions. Visualization is the process of mentally rehearsing a scene in your mind to learn skills or enhance performance and consistency. Interestingly, an overwhelming number of Olympic athletes visualize daily and … Sport Psychology Article…

Visualization Can Give You a Mental Edge

Comebacks and Meltdowns in Sports

How to Experience Success Before Competition How do you gain a mental edge over your competition? Mental practice or visualization is one strategy that can give you a decisive advantage over your competition. Visualization is a mental skill that uses images combined with other senses to experience a successful athletic performance prior to a practice or competition. You … Sport Psychology Article…

Mental Skill of Visualization for Athletes

How to Beat The Yips in Sports

Mental Rehearsal Tips for Athletes How many times have you imagined failing, making mistakes, or losing in a competition? How many times have you visualized performing at your peak, succeeding, or achieving a personal best in a competition? Chances are you see images of failing more often than succeeding. Negative images seem to flow easily and freely into … Sport Psychology Article…

How Your Learning Style Can Help You Visualize

mental imagery in sports

Improve Success in Sports With Mental Imagery Is mental imagery a gimmick or a useful mental game skill to improve athletic performance? In fact, many athletes have found a lot of success using visualization daily in their training regimes. They mention several benefits that they received through visualization, including: If so many successful athletes visualize, what exactly is … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Use Mental Imagery for Greater Success in Sports

Visualization in Sports

Benefits of Visualization in Sports Is visualization or mental imagery a gimmick or a legitimate mental game tool to improve athletic performance? The reality is that many athletes do use visualization daily as part of their training regimens–and with great success. These athletes talk about a number of benefits they have received through visualization including: If so many … Sport Psychology Article…