Winning Mindset

Mind Over Matter: Crafting a Winning Mental Game for Upset Victories

Mind Over Matter: Crafting a Winning Mental Game for Upset Victories

What is the most significant mental factor that helps athletes pull off the upset? Competing against a significantly higher-ranked opponent or a team with a better record is not just a physical challenge but also a mental challenge. The main mental ingredient in upset victories is belief. By belief, I’m not just talking about pie-in-the-sky belief, but belief … Sport Psychology Article…

Lessons from Mahomes Winning Mindset

Lessons from Mahomes Winning Mindset

Why do some athletes seem to have a winning mindset when games extend into overtime? Is it possible to change your mindset, or is an athlete’s mindset primarily genetic? You can probably run off several athletes’ names who just seem to perform at a higher level during overtime. Athletes like LeBron James, Patrick Mahomes, Breanna Stewart, and Alex … Sport Psychology Article…