confidence in athletes

How To Help Athletes Overcome Self-Doubt – Video

Peak Sports Video of The Week

The Confident Athlete In “Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers your sports psychology and mental training questions about How To Help Athletes Overcome Self-Doubt. Do you struggle with self-doubt before you go into competition? In this video I’m going to teach you how to deal with self-doubt so it doesn’t eat away at your confidence. Here’s the question … Sport Psychology Article…

How Confidence and Trust Supercharge Your Mental Game

Fearless Athlete CD

Do you (or athletes you coach) excel in practice, but freeze up in competition? Do you have a hard time just being free or flow in competition? Freezing up (or what I call lack of trust) in competition is a common challenge for many athletes. If you tighten up and control your performance in competition, you lack trust … Sport Psychology Article…