Year: 2016

Golfers Who Fear Making Mistakes During a Round

Golf Mentality

Do You “Play-It-Safe” or “Go For It”? Are you afraid to “go for it” during a round of golf for fear you will miss shots when they matter most? Do you lack the confidence to take risks and instead opt to play it safe when you golf? Most golfers believe you need to be confident to take risks. … Sport Psychology Article…

Are You a Gamer? How To Perform Under Pressure

Performing Under Pressure

How Athletes Win When The Game is on The Line Imagine yourself in a situation during a competition when the outcome of the game rests upon your shoulders… How do you think you would respond? Would you get nervous and freeze? Would your mind be taken over by negative thoughts? Would you fear failing when teammates depended on … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Overcome Intimidation in Sports

Intimidation into Motivation

Using Intimidation to Your Advantage “The intimidation factor” is commonplace in competition. Some athletes will seek to get a mental edge by taking you out of your game. Intimidation takes many forms such as: –Trash talking before a game–A brush-back pitch to shake up a hitter–An extra shove after a whistle was blown–Stare-downs or crazy antics No matter … Sport Psychology Article…

Anthony Robbins, Sports Psychology, and Peak Performance

Anthony Robbins, Sports Psychology, and Peak Performance

Applying Anthony Robbins Approach to Sports Psychology Do you feel stuck in your athletic career? Are you not seeing the results you expected to see? Many athletes who are disappointed in their performances don’t understand why. These athletes may seek out the advice from others in their sport, such as coaches, older athletes, or private coaches but, nonetheless, … Sport Psychology Article…

Be Decisive to Improve Sports Performance

quick decision making

Athletes Who Second Guess Themselves Making quick decisions is essential in fast moving, dynamic sports. Sports like volleyball, fencing, wrestling, tennis, etc. require fast decisions, sometimes within milliseconds, in order to be successful. Athletes who master the skill of quick, decisive decision making tend to dictate the flow of the game or match, feel in control and confident, … Sport Psychology Article…