choker in games

Are You a Choker in Big Games?

Peak Perfromance

Do You Underperform In Games? Many athletes perform well during the regular season, but under perform in playoff games. Yet, some athletes shine in the playoffs–who I call “gamers.” Which side of the fence do you fall on in the playoffs: peak performer or under performer? What’s the mental makeup of athletes who perform at high levels when … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Overcome Negative Beliefs That Keep Athletes Stuck

Counter Negativity

Where Do Negative Beliefs Come From? Negative beliefs prevent some athletes from achieving the success they dream about. These athletes are plagued with negative beliefs about their talents and ability to perform in competition. These negative beliefs, self-labels, and irrational thoughts can overwhelm athletes often before the competition even begins. By the time the competition starts, lack of … Sport Psychology Article…

Are You A Gamer Or Do You Choke During Critical Moments?

Critical Plays

Do You Thrive On Pressure? Would you consider yourself a “nervous athlete” or a “gamer” in competition? Gamers tend to raise their performance in critical games and moments–they thrive on the pressure. However, nervous athlete tend to get lost in critical moments. Has this happened to you? The game is in its final minutes and your team depends … Sport Psychology Article…

The Pyramid Of Performance And Reducing Mistakes

Reducing Mistakes

Focus In Critical Moments Of The Game Have you ever lost your focus during a critical moment in competition and it led to a mistake? Have you ever wondered exactly what caused that mistake? Was it a physical or mental mistake? You may attribute mistakes to anxiety. While anxiety can disrupt your focus, there is more to it … Sport Psychology Article…