figure skaters

The Confident Figure Skater

Discover proven mental game secrets to unstoppable confidence in practice and competition. Learn the top 8 mental game lessons to improve focus, composure, and confidence. Uncover how to take your practice performance to meets! The Confident Figure Skater is a mental training CD and workbook program designed specifically for figure skaters, parents, & coaches. Read More Here…

Mental Toughness Tips for Figure Skaters – Video

Sport Psychology Video

Be A Confident Figure Skater In “Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers your sports psychology and mental training questions about Mental Toughness Tips for Figure Skaters. Here’s the question Dr. Patrick Cohn answers this week: VICKY ASKS: “Right before a big competition or skating test I doubt my skills and imagine the worst possible outcome will happen. … Sport Psychology Article…

Mental Toughness: Your Greatest Asset On The Ice

Figure Skating Mental Toughness

Mental Strength In Figure Skating Every figure skater wants an advantage in competitions. Have you ever wondered… Elite figure skaters have provided a road map to success. These elite skaters have battled some of the same issues that are in front of you: mistakes on the ice, difficulty learning new skills and anxiety in competition. The key to … Sport Psychology Article…

Figure Skaters, Do You Use a Mental Warm-up Routine?

Figure Skating Warm Up

Precompetition Routine For Skaters Do you currently mentally prepare for competition? If not, you should have a warm up routine that includes your mental prep… By using a pre-competition routine, you can feel focused and prepared to succeed! Your mental preparation is crucial for peak performance and involves more than just visualizing a successful performance. Without a pre-competition … Sport Psychology Article…