Mental Toughness

Mancuso Displays Mental Toughness in Sochi

Ski Mental Game

Increasing Mental Toughness What is your response when you hit a rough patch as an athlete? When you are not performing as expected, do you go through the motions during training sessions and competitions or do you find a way to achieve higher performance levels?  When you are not competing at optimal levels, you have two choices, succumb … Sport Psychology Article…

Bjoerndalen: The Mindset of an Olympian

Mental Game of Shooting

Olympians and Mental Toughness What’s the mindset of an Olympic champion? If you could see through the eyes of an Olympian, you could gain valuable insight as to what mental game attributes are considered essential for championship performance. Even though Olympians must have mental toughness, it’s not inborn, but instead developed over time. Mental toughness and mental skills … Sport Psychology Article…

The Colts Epic Comeback: Great Athletes Don’t Panic

Football Comeback Don't Panic

How Do Your Respond To Losing During A Game? Have you ever played a game or competition where you found yourself or your team losing by a significant margin? Time may have seemed to be running out for a comeback as the deficit may have appeared insurmountable.  How did you respond mentally? Did your team panic? Or did … Sport Psychology Article…

Instilling Mental Toughness in the Chicago Bulls

Mental Toughness

Becoming Mentally Tough Can you coach a team, let alone an athlete to develop “mental toughness?”  When we think of teaching mental toughness, we conjure up images of football coaches driving their athletes during two-a-days in the heat of summer or basketball coaches running sprints at the end of practice until athletes are practically retch.  Developing mental toughness … Sport Psychology Article…

Performing Well When You Don’t Have Your “A” Game

Performing Well

How To Play Well When You Feel Uncomfortable Does your performance suffer when you’re not “on,” you feel uncomfortable, or don’t have your “A” game that day? Do you struggle with staying confident and grind out the competition if your game is off or the competition is strong? I often work with perfectionists that have trouble staying composed … Sport Psychology Article…

Do You Beat Yourself Up and Lose Confidence After Defeat?

Handling Defeat

What Happens to your Confidence After a Loss? Do you (or your athletes) beat yourself up and lose confidence after a poor performance or defeat? Or do you walk away feeling dejected and lose motivation to improve after a tough loss? Some athletes think they can use defeat as a strong motivator… But defeat can wreck careers in … Sport Psychology Article…