Year: 2015

Staying Motivated Over A Long Season

Boost Motivation

Motivation In Sports Do you or your athletes maintain motivation over the course of a long season? Practices, weight training, video sessions, physical therapy can deplete an athlete’s motivation for brief periods of time. But motivation is directly under your control and is one big factor that contributes to peak performance. The question you need to ask yourself … Sport Psychology Article…

How The Yips And Fear Are Connected

Golf Psychology Podcast

Struggling With The Yips In Your Short Game? Dr. Patrick Cohn, golf psychology expert and author of the “Golfer’s Mental Edge” CD program, teaches amateur to tour professional golfers how to improve their mental game of golf using golf psychology strategies developed over the last 20 years of his career. In this week’s golf psychology session, mental game … Sport Psychology Article…

Handling Adversity In Sports With Olaniyi Sobomehin

Sports Psychology Podcast

Improve Your Performance In Sports In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn interviews Olaniyi Sobomehin. Olaniyi is a former NFL running back for the New Orleans Saints. He played football at Oregon State, and Portland State. He played with some of the best players in the country, and many of them … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Overcome Negative Beliefs That Keep Athletes Stuck

Counter Negativity

Where Do Negative Beliefs Come From? Negative beliefs prevent some athletes from achieving the success they dream about. These athletes are plagued with negative beliefs about their talents and ability to perform in competition. These negative beliefs, self-labels, and irrational thoughts can overwhelm athletes often before the competition even begins. By the time the competition starts, lack of … Sport Psychology Article…

Is Tiger Woods Suffering From The Yips?

Overcome The Yips

Tips For Overcoming The Yips This past week, at the Phoenix Open, Tiger Woods not only missed the cut, but he had the highest score of his professional career. He posted an 82. If you had told any golf pros or fans that Tiger Woods would be in such poor form 10 years ago, no one would believe … Sport Psychology Article…

Positive or Negative Self-Talk. Which One Do You Use?

Positive Self-Talk

Carr’s Positive Self-Talk Does negative self-talk make it difficult to focus during competitions? Do you wish you could be more positive after mistakes? Negative self-talk is when you berate yourself for making mistakes during practice or competition. Obviously, negative self-talk hurts your confidence and enjoyment in sports. How can you turn negative self-talk into positive self–talk, the mental … Sport Psychology Article…